What’s new for 2024
In this post, you will find: - What's going on in Melissa's life - A release list since the last update- A list of 2024 signing events I'm attending.- What I'm working on next under Melissa Haag My life as it is Some of you may be wondering what's happening and...

A New Pen Name
I've been working on this new project for a few years and am excited to finally share it with everyone. Under Melissa Nicole, you will find the same amazing romantic tension you've enjoyed under Melissa Haag, more humor, and more adult content centered around...

Cover Reveal and an Update
In this post, you will find: - The Raising Hell cover reveal.- An update regarding future books in the Mantirum world- Where to find new bonus content- What's happening with the Judgement of the Six kidsRaising Hell Hades sleeps no more. I woke the god of the...

Exclusive Bonus Content
The Mantirum world is expanding! Not only are you all getting the first book in Ashlyn's trilogy in a few short weeks, but I've written a completely seperate bonus scene from Oanen's point of view!Going to hell Be careful what you wish for. The children of the gods,...

Cover Reveal: Going to Hell
Are you ready to learn what happened to Ashlyn?Be careful what you wish for. The children of the gods, creatures hidden within this world, have claimed my family one by one. Trolls, goblins, mermaids, and other beings crave humans like me. Only in my home am I truly...
Cover Reveal: The Hunger
Here it is! The Hunger's official cover! I'm beyond excited to share the conclusion to the By Kiss and Claw series with everyone. It feels like just yesterday that Megan rolled into town and befriended Eliana.Power isn’t everything. But in Uttira, it’s all that...

New Release – The Hunt
The Hunt is finally here! If you were following along with the release news, you know that this beauty was supposed to release last November. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic and all the forced family time, writing it took longer than I would have liked. But I...

A new look and a new name!
The book previously known as Touch has been rebranded to better reflect the story so many have already read and fallen in love with. Not only does it have a pretty new cover, but it has a new name too! Dealing with Demons Some deals can’t be broken. According to the...

Cover Reveal: The Hunt
I hope you adore the real cover for The Hunt more than the placeholder. 🙂 I feel confident sharing the cover now that The Hunt is over halfway written at an impressive 60k words. I seem to have a thing for writing longer books this year. No idea why that is.I was...