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Raising Hell

In Fire and Ash, Book 2

Hades sleeps no more.

I woke the god of the underworld and paid his price for a chance to win my freedom. A kiss. Just one. But since surrendering his fee, I can’t stop thinking about doing it again. I am in so much trouble.

Convincing Hades that she’s human is proving more difficult than Ashlyn imagined. The sexy king of Hell believes she’s playing games by withholding what he truly wants: Her. He alternates between outrageous promises to lay the world at her feet and demands for the affection he craves. He doesn’t ask for much. Just…everything.

Even as she denies him, Ashlyn’s drawn closer to succumbing to his desires. And when a mysterious immortal with the ability to enter Hell attempts to kill Ashlyn, she knows there’s nowhere safer than within Hades’ protective arms. Now, not only must Ashlyn safeguard her heart from the seductive Hades, she must also figure out who wants her dead before Hades destroys the whole world in her name.

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