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The Hunger

By Kiss and Claw, Book 3

The truth is harder to face than I ever imagined. I’ve made too many mistakes to count. So, no more failures. No more running. It’s time to embrace what I am.

Eliana thought she had everything under control. However, she discovered just how wrong she was. She’s been feeding from Fenris in her sleep, and now he’s bound to her in ways she never wanted. She knows she needs to let him go; yet with him, she could have the one thing she’s secretly wanted. A mate for life.

To make matters worse, Adira pushes her to enjoy Fenris while Raiden is doing everything possible to keep the two apart. Including bringing back the one person who would willingly kill Eliana to have Fenris for herself. Tired of it all, Eliana does what she’s been fighting not to do for so long: She embraces what she is.

It’s time for the people in power to feel what it’s like to be a puppet. And when she’s done, the world will be on its knees.

Warning: Contains an affection-starved werewolf, a brownie fond of public exhibition, and a succubus on the edge.

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